Google Ads is an online form of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for businesses to promote on different mediums. Google Ads uses different types of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategies, including Google Search Ads, Google Shopping Ads, Google Display Ads and more, to provide suitable digital marketing solution for advertisers to customize their budgets and goals. Google determines the position and the place of your ads according to your campaign’s keywords. The major difference between Google Ads and search engine optimization (SEO) is that you only have to pay the amount you have bidded when a visitor clicks on the ads.
What Are Google Ads?
// About
How can Google Ads boost search activity?
// Advantages
Increase search visibility
Improve search rankings
Drive more search website traffic
Types Of Google Ads.
// Google Ads
Google Search Ads is a prevalent form of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising in which the advertisement is based on Google Searches.
Google Display Ads are visual banner ads that can be seen on Google Display Network (GDN).
YouTube Video Ads is a strategy of advertising your video content in an attempt to maximize your user reach and explore potential customer.
Google Shopping Ads are ads that include rich product information, such as a product image, price, and information details.
What Does The Search Network Include?
// Google Ads
Google Search Partners
For text ads, search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites, as well as Google Video and other Google sites.
Google Search Sites
These include Google Search, Google Pay, Google Shopping, Google Images, and Google Maps.
A Google Ads Agency can help monitor your website’s performance and costs. With a team of experts closely studying the market and keeping up-to-date with the latest trends, we can create an in-depth tailor-made campaign to target your audience precisely. With the help of our Google ads agency, we can identify which search network and type of ads are the most beneficial and effective for your business and marketing campaign. As a Hong Kong Google Ads Agency, we will focus on both the local and international market situation, as well as your business performance to formulate a better campaign for a higher conversion rate. It is of vital importance to formulate detailed reports for clients to fine-tune their performance and create exceptional content to attract customers.
How can a Google Ads Agency help you?
// Google Ads
Why Choose Us?
// R-Digital
With the help of our team, we can identify which search network and the type of ads are the most beneficial and effective for your business and marketing campaign. Furthermore, we will study the market and your business to come up with a keyword proposal which will be our suggestion of what keywords you should bid on for your business.
How can Google Ads benefit you.
// Advantages
Displaying your Google ads to potential customers can maximize conversions, return on investment (ROI) and sales volume.
Pinpoint your target audience
Google ads can give you instant results in conversions and brand awareness to obtain potential customers. Furthermore, constant optimization of Google Ads campaigns can lead to a higher conversion rate and increase in the return of investment.
Enhance brand awareness
The return on investment (ROI) is appealing that your per-per-click (PPC) campaign can have higher conversion rate.
Instant Results
搜尋引擎優化 (SEO) 和 Google Ads可以同時進行。Google Ad 是Google 推出允許商家在Google搜尋引擎面頁透過付費廣告來推廣產品和服務的計劃,Google Ads可以通過使用關鍵字和短語來定位宣傳您網站的特定關鍵字和短語。而搜尋引擎優化(SEO)則是透過增加網頁關鍵字和優化網頁加載速度從而提升網頁在 Google 搜尋引擎上自然排名的數碼營銷策略。同時進行SEO和Google Ad營銷策略除了令你的網頁可以在搜尋結果的自然排名和廣告位上同時出現增大曝光率,亦可以利用 Google Ad 所提供的數據優化你的SEO策略,令你的網頁宣傳更具成效。我們這間數碼營銷公司提供 SEO 和 Google Ads 方面的服務,可以為您創建一個綜合計劃,採用適合您業務需求的營銷策略。
Google Ads 在按點擊付費 (PPC) 模式下工作,該模式專注於Google上的特定關鍵字和詞組,並為關鍵字提供拍賣。它們出現在自然搜尋結果上方,但並不總是出現在搜尋引擎結果頁面 (SERP) 的第一頁上。 他們在 SERP 上的出現順序由實時投標過程決定,該過程決定了他們的投標價格和質素得分。每次出價都將決定您為點擊這些Google Ads 的用戶支付多少費用。質素分數在 1到10之間的出價將決定搜尋引擎結果頁面 (SERP) 中的排名。
Google Ads的費用取決於您的預算。由於應用了競價,Google Ads 不會為每個廣告設置費用。Google Ads的定價是靈活的,取決於您的預算、業務和策略等。Google Ads 沒有太多要求,包括合同期限。
基本上,有三種類型的Google Ads。搜尋網絡廣告系列在搜尋引擎結果頁面 (SERP) 上顯示文字廣告。展示廣告網絡廣告系列在您的網站上提供圖片廣告。影片廣告系列包含將在 YouTube 上展示的 6 秒或 15 秒影片廣告。
2018 年,Google AdWords 轉變為 Google Ads,成為一個新品牌,並包含一系列活動,包括 Google Search Ads、Google Display Ads 和 Google Shopping Ads。